Yoga Weekend Seminar with Gary Carter 19-20 March 2011

"gary-carter-seminar"Shambhala Studios are excited to announce the return visit of Gary Carter for a yoga weekend from 19 March at 10:00 to 20 March at 16:00

Cost for single day seminar £45 or to book both days £80 – payable upon booking please.

Fruit teas and water provided but please bring your own lunch.

Saturday 19th March – Bandhas/Diaphragms
Sunday 20th March – Pranayama/anatomy of breathing.

Gary is a well known, highly respected teacher of Yoga, who has lectured extensively on the anatomy of Yoga in the UK, Europe and America. He is the founder of the Natural Bodies Centre in Brighton, dedicated to the work and approach of Vanda Scaravelli, which was not so much about executing postures but cultivating the conditions that allow the body’s natural intelligence to awaken.

With his Natural Bodies Centre in Brighton, Gary is committed to teach, train and encourage kinaesthetic awareness, ease of movement and efficient body use, which can bring a renewed sense of health and vitality through into daily life. By tuning in to this kinaesthetic sense we can align the body better in asanas, move freely, with lightness and effortlessness.

Saturday: On this day we will undertake a detailed anatomical analysis of the bandhas, and apply this in postures, breath and movement.
The intended learning outcomes are:
*An anatomical understanding of the bandhas
*An understanding of how bandhas affect yoga practice
*An experience of the bandhas and unifying breath and movement with this knowledge
*Developing a greater subtlety within postures and movement

The intended learning outcomes are:
*An anatomical understanding of the respiratory system.
*An understanding of how breathing relates to the musculature and vice versa.
*An understanding of the physiological effects of the respiratory network.
*An experience of unifying breath and movement with this knowledge.
*Developing a greater subtlety within postures and breathing practice.

"gary-carter-yoga"These days are interactive with theory interspersed with some practical work.

His last visit centred on our feet and was an inspiration to all who attended. I am sure I am not the only one who now regularly spends time barefoot in front of the tv, interlacing my fingers and toes in order to promote more movement and flexibility, as a result of his practical advice on how to care for this much-neglected body part.

We look forward to Gary’s unique take on bandhas and breathing and hope to see you there.

See Nicky on Reception to purchase your place.

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